Surgical OT Tables

Sliding Top Electric OT Table MS-1204

Steel Quality 304 Medical Grade Stainless Steel
Special Features
This Electromatic sliding top O.T Table is suitable for all kind of surgeiies, i.e. general surgery, vascular surgery, cardio, neurology, urology, gynecology, proctology, laparoscopy, traumatic surgery, plastic surgery and others. The base & column of the table is made of high quality medica] stainless steel (Grade -304). Non-reflecting surface, antibacterial & easy to clean. We provide with a top sliding of 5inch backl forward. Height adjustment, Lateral Tilts, Trendelenburg, and Rex - Reflex, Chair Position and Longitudinal Sliding top are realized by Remote control.

  • Height Adjustment - Up & Down
  • Lateral Tilt - Left & Right
  • Trendelenburg & Reverse Trendelenburg
  • Flex Position & Reflex Position

Salient Features
  • Encentric Pillars
  • Stainless Fitting
  • Detachable, head, leg & Pelvic section
  • Four Sectional Radio - Translucent Top.
  • Base & Cover made of attractive, easy to clean Stainless Steel.
  • Sophisticated mechanics provide smooth, step less articulation of the table Top for precise patient positioning.
  • Standby Battery Back-up with recharging circuit.

Technical Data 

 Length of Table  1900mm
 Width of Table Top  520 mm
 Minimum Height (without Mattress)  Min. 750 mm
 Maximum Height (without Mattress)  Max. 1000 mm
 Trendelenburg   25°
 Reverse Trendelenburg  25°
 Lateral Tilt  -f-20°
 Back Section  +70°
 Head Section  +60°
 Leg Section  0°-90°
 Top Sliding  5° Reverse & 5" Forward